Store Ur Box


This website is owned and operated by Store Ur Box, a trading name of Crown Worldwide (NZ) Ltd. Your use of this site is governed by these Terms of Use. By accessing and browsing this site you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use, whether you register as a user or not.


You may access, view and print the content on this site for informational and non-commercial purposes. No part of this website may be distributed or copied for any commercial purpose. Store Ur Box reserves the right to alter, suspend or terminate this site temporarily or permanently at any time or to deny access to this site without notice.


Store Ur Box endeavours to ensure that any information on this site is current and accurate and has been compiled in good faith. Store Ur Box will endeavour to correct any errors on this site, but does not accept any liability for mistakes or out-of-date information.


All links and references to other websites, organisations or people not within Store Ur Box are provided for the user’s convenience only, and should not be taken as endorsement of those websites, of the information contained in those websites, or of organisations or people referred to in those websites. If you have comments or questions relating to sites linked to this one, they should be directed to the relevant person or organisation. Store Ur Box does not implicitly or impliedly endorse any website, organisation or person who may have off-site links to this website.
You may not link your website to this site without Store Ur Box’s consent. Store Ur Box reserves the right to prohibit links to this site and you agree to remove or cease any link upon request from Store Ur Box. You may not frame any part of the material on this site by including advertising or other generating material.


All intellectual property on this site, including (without limitation) the text, graphics, data images, logos, trade marks, trade names and copyright works is owned by Store Ur Box or used by Store Ur Box under licence from the copyright owner.
Content and data provided on this site may not (except as expressly provided in these Terms of Use) be published, resold, reformatted, copied, reproduced, incorporated into any other work or publication in any form, transmitted or stored (including in any other website or other electronic form) without Store Ur Box’s prior written permission.
All photos remain copyright of the photographer and may not be copied or reproduced in any format without obtaining written permissions from the photographer.

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The information provided on this site is for general guidance only. Users of the information contained on this site must make their own assessment of the suitability and appropriateness of the products, services and information for their particular use.
All Liability Excluded to the extent permitted by law:
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If the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 applies, you may have rights or remedies which are not excluded or limited by the above. If you are using this website or its content for business purposes, the above exclusions and limits will apply and the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 will not apply.

The exclusions and limits set out in these Terms of Use will also operate for the benefit of Store Ur Box affiliates and related entities, partners, relevant suppliers, licensors and agents of Store Ur Box which Store Ur Box uses to provide the website.

You agree to indemnify Store Ur Box, affiliates and related entities, relevant suppliers, licensors and agents of Store Ur Box in respect of any loss, damage, cost or expense (including reasonable enforcement costs, whether incurred on a solicitor and own client base or otherwise) suffered or incurred by Store Ur Box as a result of any inaccurate or incomplete information provided by you to Store Ur Box or any breach by you of any of your obligations under these Terms of Use or any other applicable terms and conditions for other services, promotions or competitions on this website (including any acts or omissions of your employee, contractors or agents).

This site and these Terms of Use are governed by the laws of New Zealand.

Store Ur Box may amend these Terms of Use from time to time. You should periodically revisit this page to review the then current Terms of Use. By continuing to use this website after any such amendment, you are deemed to have agreed to the amended terms of use.

If you have any questions or concerns in relation to this site or these Terms of Use, please contact us on 0508 202202 if you live in New Zealand.


STORE UR BOX is committed to honouring the privacy of its visitors to the website. This policy statement sets out how Store Ur Box handles information provided to it by users of the website. You have the right to access and request correction of any personal information concerning you, pursuant to the Privacy Act 1993. You also have the right to request destruction or deletion of any information concerning you pursuant to the Privacy Act 1993. Store Ur Box will only record your contact details if you supply them to Store Ur Box. Store Ur Box will use your personal information provided to it only for the purpose for which it was provided. Store Ur Box will not use your personal information for any other purpose without your consent and Store Ur Box will not disclose your email address without your consent. Electronic mail submitted to Store Ur Box is handled and saved according to the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993. Store Ur Box may disclose personal information about you if required to do so by law. Store Ur Box may also disclose your information if Store Ur Box determines that disclosure is necessary in connection with any breach of these Terms of Use.

Cheap Storage in Auckland

Finding cheap storage in Auckland is not easy! A secure and affordable storage option is a necessity especially for students who are studying away from home, travellers and home DIY-ers for the items that they cannot take with them or space to store during a renovation. People who are looking to move house may also require storage for a short period of time while waiting for their new home to be ready. And if you are running a business at home, over time you may find that you’ll need a better way to organise and store your business records and paperwork. Most storage facilities in Auckland are not designed for affordability or ease of use. Customers are tied up in complex contracts and forced to pay for the service for months on end, irrespective of how long they need the service. These self storage facilities in Auckland charge by lot size and make you pay for both the space your goods utilise and the space that is left vacant. All of this adds up to exorbitant rates that most people who are looking for a quick fix and convenient option just couldn’t afford. At Store Ur Box, we do things differently.

Flexible Self Storage Facilities

Our self storage facilities are nothing like other storage spaces in Auckland. Our storage services in Auckland cater to you, the customer, and the facilities are built for maximum security, durability, and safety. The best part is that you can submit and retrieve your goods at any time online. Our drivers collect and drop your items right at your door, so you never have to personally visit our self storage facilities in Auckland.

Self Storage in Auckland


You can use our high-quality boxes for self storage in Auckland. We offer high-quality, robust, and well-built boxes, suitcases, and crates that come in all sizes and shapes. They are designed for holding all of your goods without damaging anything. Alternatively, you can choose to pack your items on your own – some of our customers use their own suitcases. Please note if the packing is inadequate and does not fall in line with our guidelines, we will have to repack your stuff in our boxes. If this happens, we will first notify you before we proceed.

What Can’t You Store For Me?

We are open to storing all kinds of items. But due to safety and other regulations, we cannot store the following items for you:

  1. Items in plastic bags, plastic boxes, bin bags, canvas bags, and laundry bags
  2. Perishable items such as food, condiments, and dairy products.
  3. Birds, fish, animals, or any living creature.
  4. Explosives, weapons, ammunition, or anything declared illegal by the state.
  5. Any item which emits fumes, and has a bad odour.
  6. Flammable materials, liquids, or compressed gases, including but not limited to: paint, diesel, petrol, oil, gas, alcohol, artificial fertiliser, or cleaning solvents.
  7. Any toxic, flammable, or hazardous substance or preparations, classified as such under the law.
  8. Stolen property.

How We Work

With Store Ur Box, you never have to visit a warehouse or storage facility to submit or retrieve your goods. Our process is simple.

  1. We drop the box(es), crate(s), or suitcase(s) you’ve ordered at your chosen day, time, and place.
  2. We pick the packed box(es) either the same day or at another chosen date from your location.
  3. We seal your box(es) and store them within our facilities. You can check on them online whenever you want.
  4. You ask to retrieve your box(es), and we deliver them back to you.
  5. You stop paying for the box(es) you’ve retrieved.

Great Customer Support 24/7

We are here to help you if you have any questions. You can call us on 0508 202 202.

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